Docente a contratto

Dipartimento di Beni Culturali

Edificio ex INAPLI - Via Dalmazio Birago, 64 - LECCE (LE)

Ufficio, Piano terra

Adjunct Professor

Area di competenza:

Digital Law

European Union Law

International Law 

Human Rights Law

Orario di ricevimento

By appointment

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Curriculum Vitae

Stefania Attolini is a research fellow on European Union Law (PRIN 2020). She is also Professor on contract of Digital Information Law and of European Union Law at University of Salento.
She holds a PhD in Law at University of Salento with a thesis in European Union Law on the universal access to the Internet in the EU and the new European electronic communication code.
She successfully earned an Advanced Master degree in European Union Law (Master complémentaire en droit européen) with distinction, at the Institute for European Studies of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (final thesis on “The posting of workers: a balance between the free movement of services and the social fundamental rights of workers”).
In 2009, she graduated in law at the University of Bari, with a thesis on medical liability.
In 2022 she has been visiting researcher at the Institut de l'Ouest : Droit et Europe (IODE), Université de Rennes1
In July 2022 she collaborated to a PON Project "AIM: Attraction and International Mobility".
From February 2021 to January 2022, she worked as a research fellow in European Union Law at University of Salento on a project concerning new technologies as a tool for democracy and participation in the European Union.
She authored a book on the access to the Internet in a democratic society (2020) and several papers on international and European Union Law and on tax law, in Italian, French and English, published in books and scientific reviews.
She is a member of two EU funded projects’ team: the Jean Monnet Chair on “Legal theory of European integration: a supranational democracy model?”(2019-2022), and the Jean Monnet Module on “protection and promotion of women’s rights in the European legal order: from gender equality to active participation in the democratic life of the European union” (2022-2025).
Her main research interests focus on the new social and democratic challenges and intricacies of the technological development and the law, especially at European and International level.
Since 2015 she has been a teaching assistant of European Union Law and International Law at the University of Salento.
In 2014, she has been a Blue Book Trainee of the Consumer External Relations Unit at DG SANCO (Health and Consumers) of the European Commission. She is a qualified lawyer.
She is fluent in French (level C2) and in English (level C1). She speaks basic German (level B1).


A.A. 2022/2023



Course type Laurea Magistrale

Language INGLESE

Credits 6.0

Teaching hours Ore totali di attività frontale: 42.0

Year taught 2022/2023

For matriculated on 2021/2022

Course year 2


Subject matter COMUNE/GENERICO

Torna all'elenco


Subject area IUS/04

Course type Laurea Magistrale

Credits 6.0

Teaching hours Ore totali di attività frontale: 42.0

For matriculated on 2021/2022

Year taught 2022/2023

Course year 2

Semestre Secondo Semestre (dal 06/03/2023 al 09/06/2023)

Language INGLESE

Subject matter COMUNE/GENERICO (999)

In order to fruitfully attend the course a good command of English is required (reading, speaking and comprehension). A minimum knowledge of the legal language is very welcome, although it will be improved along the way.

Acquisition of: specialistic knowledge on digital information law and especially on its most recent juridical and judicial evolutionary trends, through the reading of legal documents and legislation, scientific contributions from international scolars, and judicial decisions.

The course's primary aim is to provide students knowledge and understanding of the peculiarities of the European and national legislation concerning digital technologies and digital users' protection to enable a critical approach and a comprehension of their disruptive effects. The educational path will be conducted on the study of the most relevant issues related to technological development. The critical understanding of the phenomena in progress is also encouraged in the perspective of  an interdisciplinarity approach.

The lessons have a seminar cut, the students are invited to do researches at home and to discuss current issues.

The students will study rules and regulations, and procedures related to the law applied to digital technologies in a way that will allow them to have a critical perspective on current issues and evolutionary trends of digital transformations. The knowledge and skills acquired will provide students with the necessary tools for further theoretical investigations (research paths) or to professional activity (specific stages and traineeships on digital information law)

The course will be structured so as to offer students courses and seminars on specific digital law topics that are more relevant and topical.

The seminars will also be held by Italian and foreign scholars and will allow students to deal with practical cases, different teaching methods and different research perspectives.

The exam will be oral, in English. 

The examination aims to verify the understanding of the topics addressed during the course, the reasoning skills and the critical spirit of the student, as well as the use of appropriate legal language and communication skills.
The final assessment will take into account any intermediate tests (optional) carried out during the course.

Supranational and national legal sources of digital law

The European electronic communication code 

Fundamental rights and new technologies

Internet governance and domain name system

Digital Identity and digital signature


Data protection and data governance

Digital platforms and sharing economy

Liability of service providers

Digital Services Act and Digital Markets Act

Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Crypto-activities

Artificial Intelligence

The necessary material will be provided by the teacher during the course or it will be published on this page




  1. S. Attolini, L’accesso alla Rete in una società democratica. Il diritto di accesso a Internet del cittadino europeo, [2020], ISBN 978 88 3329 070 6
  2. M. Villani, S. Attolini, Come difendere il contribuente dagli studi di settore, Maggioli Editore, [2012], ISBN 978 88 3877 392 1

Publications on EU law

  1. S. Attolini, La protezione della persona minore di età e il ruolo del genitore nell’era digitale: principi interpretativi e profili evolutivi, in AA.VV., Le famiglie nello spazio europeo tra libertà e giustizia, Key Editore, Milano [2022]
  2. S. Cafaro, S. Attolini, La famiglia tra diritto nazionale, europeo ed internazionale, in F. Vaglio, M. G. Zecca (eds.), Il contenzioso familiare in Europa, Key Editore, Milano [2022] (pubblicazione in corso)
  3. S. Attolini, La trasversalità della tutela della parità di genere nelle politiche dell’Unione europea e le azioni membri a sostegno delle Stati membri tra programmazione, finanziamento e principio di condizionalità, in AA.VV. La cura delle relazioni. Pari opportunità, prevenzione e contrasto della violenza [2021]
  4. S. Attolini, La notion d’ingérence étatique et les limites nécessaires aux droits de l’homme en matière de lutte contre le terrorisme. Une lecture d’ensemble de la jurisprudence récente de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme, in Working Paper 2/2021 della Società Italiana per la Organizzazione Internazionale (Osservatorio sulle attività delle organizzazioni internazionali e sovranazionali, universali e regionali, sui temi di interesse della politica estera italiana), Editoriale Scientifica srl ​​[2021], ISBN 979-12-5976-085-2
  5. S. Attolini, Il rispetto dei valori dell’Unione nello stato di emergenza all’attenzione delle istituzioni europee, in Working Paper 2/2021 della Società Italiana per la Organizzazione Internazionale (Osservatorio sulle attività delle organizzazioni internazionali e sovranazionali, universali e regionali, sui temi di interesse della politica estera italiana), Editoriale Scientifica srl ​​[2021], ISBN 979-12-5976-085-2
  6. S. Attolini, La sicurezza interna e in Rete e la garanzia dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione europea. Nuove prospettive di coordinamento per la lotta al terrorismo, in Working Paper 2/2020 della Società Italiana per la Organizzazione Internazionale (Osservatorio sulle attività delle organizzazioni internazionali e sovranazionali, universali e regionali, sui temi di interesse della politica estera italiana), Editoriale Scientifica srl , [2020], ISBN 978-88-9391-990-6
  7. S. Attolini, , Children and digital rights effectiveness. Considerations on the right to access to Internet, in O. Pérez de la Fuente, M. Falcao, M Oliva Martìnez, J. Daniel (a cura di), “Struggles for recognition. Cultural pluralism and rights of minorities” Dykinson, SL , [2020], pagine 53-68, [2020], ISBN 978-84-1377-133-5
  8. S. Attolini, GABRIELE DELLA MORTE, Big Data e protezione dei diritti internazionali degli umani.[2020], in Eunomia. Rivista semestrale di Storia e Politica Internazionali, pagg. 179-180,
  9. S. Attolini, Le fake news e gli hate speeches in rete nell’ordinamento europeo e internazionale in relazione all’inclusione sociale dei migranti, [2019] in “Pace e diritti umani nel Mediterraneo. Migranti, rifugiati e richiedenti asilo. Atti della Rassegna” – 2019, e-ISBN: 978-88-8305-158-6
  10. S. Attolini, Le droit de séjour dérivé et l’effet utile de la citoyenneté de l’Union, EuropeanPapers,Vol.3, 2018, No 1, European Forum, Highlight of 30 May 2018,, pp 459-460, ISSN 2499-824

Publications on Tax Law

  1. M. Villani, S. Attolini, La TARSU non è più applicabile, [2011], in OsservatorioTributario (Bollettino dell'Associazione Magistrati Tributari, Sez. Sicilia) - n.1
  2. M. Villani, S. Attolini, Sono inesistenti le notifiche effettuate da soggetto non abilitato, [2011], in OsservatorioTributario (Bollettino dell'Associazione Magistrati Tributari, Sez. Sicilia) - n.1
  3. M. Villani, S. Attolini, Costi indeducibili solo direttamente ricondotti al reato, [2011], in Quotidiano Ipsoa of 15.09.2011 - ISSN 2239-0545
  4. M. Villani, S. Attolini, Condoni 2002 un anno in più per gli accertamenti IVA, [2011], in Quotidiano Ipsoa of 13.09.2011 - ISSN 2239-0545
  5. M. Villani, S. Attolini, TARSU-TIA, in Tribuna Finanziaria n.4 luglio/agosto 2011
  6. M. Villani, S. Attolini, Dati bancari, presunzioni retroattive per i professionisti?, [2011], in Quotidiano Ipsoa of 11.08.2011 - ISSN 2239-0545
  7. M. Villani, S. Attolini, Scopo elusivo anche con Operazioni effettive e reali, [2011], in Quotidiano Ipsoa of 27.06.2011 - ISSN 2239-0545
  8. M. Villani, S. Attolini, C'è reato se lo scopo è sottrazione fraudolenta al pagamento dell'imposta, [2011], in Quotidiano Ipsoa of 06.06.2011 - ISSN 2239-0545
  9. M. Villani, S. Attolini, Il Giudice non può cambiare il piano di rateazione [2011], in Quotidiano Ipsoa of 03.05.2011 - ISSN 2239-0545
  10. M. Villani, S. Attolini, Nullo l’accertamento notificato al solo socio ex liquidatore [2011], in Quotidiano Ipsoa of 30.03.2011 - ISSN 2239-0545
  11. M. Villani, S. Attolini, Scatta l’improcedibilità dei motivi di ricorso [2011]. in Quotidiano Ipsoa of 23.03.2011 - ISSN 2239-0545 
  12. M. Villani, S. Attolini, Indebita compensazione, risponde anche il socio consapevole [2011], in Quotidiano Ipsoa of 24.01.2011 - ISSN 2239-0545
  13. M. Villani, S. Attolini, Interessi di mora, stangata per i contribuenti [2011], in ItaliaOggi 06.01.2011
  14. M. Villani, S. Attolini, Tassazione graduale per le plusvalenze da lease back [2011], in Quotidiano Ipsoa of 07.02.2011 - ISSN 2239-0545
  15. M. Villani, S. Attolini, Costi deducibili se riconducibili a elementi certi e precisi [2011], in Quotidiano Ipsoa of 04.01.2011 - ISSN 2239-0545
  16. M. Villani, S. Attolini, Giusto prezzo senza valutazioni discrezionali [2010], in Quotidiano Ipsoa of 01.12.2010 - ISSN 2239-0545
  17. M. Villani, S. Attolini, Dichiarazioni dei terzi valgono come prova [2010], in Quotidiano Ipsoa of 21.10.2010 - ISSN 2239-0545
  18. M. Villani, S. Attolini, Accertamenti più complicati per il Fisco [2010], in Quotidiano Ipsoa of 21.09.2010 - ISSN 2239-0545
  19. M. Villani, S. Attolini, Aiuti ai lavoratori svantaggiati fuori dalla regola de minimis [2010], in Quotidiano Ipsoa of 06.07.2010 - ISSN 2239-0545
  20. M. Villani, S. Attolini, Sempre imponibili ad IVA le perizie su immobili italiani [2010], in Quotidiano Ipsoa of 08.06.2010 - ISSN 2239-0545
  21. M. Villani, S. Attolini, Illegittimo il recupero dei costi non di competenza [2010], in Quotidiano Ipsoa of 11.05.2010 - ISSN 2239-0545
  22. M. Villani, S. Attolini, La cartella non notificata è giuridicamente inesistente [2010], in Quotidiano Ipsoa of 14.04.2010 - ISSN 2239-0545
  23. M. Villani, S. Attolini, Tarsu, si rischiano cartelle nulle [2010], in ItaliaOggi, 16.03.2010
  24. M. Villani, S. Attolini, Ok all'accertamento fiscale basato su atti secretati [2010], in Quotidiano Ipsoa of 15.03.2010 - ISSN 2239-0545
  25. M. Villani, S. Attolini, ANCI-IFEL, istruzioni contestate [2010], in Quotidiano Ipsoa of 08.03.2010 - ISSN 2239-0545
  26. M. Villani, S. Attolini, Il PVC si vince solo con querela di falso [2010], in Quotidiano Ipsoa of 15.02.2010 - ISSN 2239-0545
  27. M. Villani, S. Attolini, Tarsu non più applicabile [2010], in Tribuna Finanziaria n.3 May/June 2010
  28. M. Villani, S. Attolini, La Tarsu non esiste più dal 1° Gennaio 2010 [2010], in La Rivista di Finanza, Anno XVI, n. 1/2010


International and national conferences

  1. [13 May 2022] – Speaker (fr) - Paper on “Blockchain et actifs numériques: les défis de la réglementation et l’avenir de la décentralisation” - Conference “Blockchain et privacy”, Université de Rennes, France
  2. [07 May 2022] – Speaker (Ita) - Paper on “Blockchain as an enabler for democratic participation” - Conference “Supranational Democracy Dialogue, IV edition”, Brindisi (Italy)
  3. [9 Dec 2021] – Speaker (ita) - Paper on "Human rights and new technologies" - Conference "Diritti umani oggi, tra sfide globali e risposte locali" ("Human rights today, between global challenges and local responses"), organized by UNESCO Club of Brindisi (Italy)
  4. [9 Apr 2021] – Discussant (eng) - “Democracy and technology: a conversation with a scientist. Do algorithms, big data, AI and cyberattacks threaten democratic governance? - Guest: Mr. Tom Chi
  5. [16 Jul 2020] – Speaker (eng) - Paper on "Children and digital rights effectiveness. Considerations on the right to Internet access" - Series of Webinars "Struggles for recognition: Cultural diversity and rights of minorities"
  6. [29 May 2020] – Speaker (eng) - Paper on "Internet Governance and the Right of Internet Access" - Series of Webinars on "Supranational Democracy Dialogues" hosted by Università del Salento
  7. [2 Mar 2018 e 3 Mar 2018] – Speaker (ita) - Paper of 03.03.2018 on "The Protection of Personal Data and electronic communications. The right to be forgotten. The European Court of Justice competence" - Paper of 02.03.2018-"The Right of Internet Access and the Freedom of Expression" - Training class on “Privacy e web nella giurisprudenza delle Corti europee. Tecniche e procedure di ricorso", organized by Associazione Avvocati per i Diritti Umani (Lecce)
  8. [17 Feb 2017] – Speaker (ita) - Paper on the Access for individuals to the Court of Justice of the European Union - Training class on "La tutela dei diritti umani in Europa" organized by Associazione Avvocati per i Diritti Umani
  9. [27 Avril 2012] – Chair (ita) - “Professionisti e accertamenti tributari”, organized by L’Alternativa - Associazione Forense Brindisina

Seminars as a lecturer

  1. [04 Avril 2022] - The relevance of the right to access to new technologies as a tool to diminish gender gap and to improve women’s empowerment (ENG) - Jean Monnet Module on Protection and Promotion of Women’s Rights in the European Legal Order: from Gender Equality to Active Participation in the Democratic Life of the European Union (Università del Salento)
  2. [17 Mar 2022] - The access to the Internet and new digital rights (ENG) - Course of International and European Human Rights Law (Università del Salento)
  3. [01 Dec 2021] - The legitimate use of databases and IT systems for border check in the European Union (ITA) - Course of European and international migration and asylum Law (Università del Salento) European Union Law module
  4. [03 Nov 2021] International law and protection of vulnerable groups: trafficking and unaccompanied foreign minors (ITA) - Seminar via Google Meet (2h)
  5. [24 Mar 2021] - The protection of human rights online (ENG) - Course of International and European Human Rights Law (Università del Salento) (2h)
  6. [26 Mar 2020] - Digital divide and human Rights (ITA) - Course of International Law (Università del Salento) (2h)
  7. [16 Mar 2020] - The right to Internet access as a human right (ENG) - Course of International and European Human Rights Law (Università del Salento) (3h)
  8. [3 Dec 2019 and 18.11.2021] - Fake news, hate speeches and migrants’ integration (ITA) - Course of European and international migration and asylum Law (Università del Salento) European Union Law module
  9. [5 Nov 2019] - The fundamental right to Internet access (ITA) - Course of European Union Law (Università del Salento)
  10. [7 Oct 2019, 15 Oct 2020 and 28 Oct. 2021] - Illegal immigration and the smuggling of human beings (ITA) - Course of European and international migration and asylum Law (Università del Salento) International Law module
  11. [28 Mar 2019] - The European Citizens Initiative on the Internet (ENG) - Course of Institutional evolution in the European legal order (Università del Salento)
  12. [21 Nov 2018] - The right to be forgotten on the Internet (ITA) - Course of Market and Consumers Law (Università del Salento)


Temi di ricerca


Access to technology;

Digital Law;

Internet Law;

Online Intermediary Platforms;

Artificial Intelligence and twin transition;

Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts;


Open Data e Big Data;

Privacy & Personal Data Protection;


Intellectual Property Law;

Internationale Law;

European Union Legal Order;

Own resources of the European Union;

EU citizenship; Democracy;

International and European Human Rights Law;

Gender Equality;


Law of international organizations.